You Are Entitled to Safety on Another's Premises. Contact Our Firm to Hold the Right Parties Accountable for Your Injuries.

Corpus Christi Premises Liability Attorneys

Our Personal Injury Lawyers Fight for Injured Victims in All 50 States.

Property owners are required to make the safety of their guests a top priority. This can include fixing any dangerous features, indicating those not yet repaired or even installing permanent protection around unavoidable dangers. When these precautions are not taken and you are injured as a result, you could be eligible for compensation due to negligence on the part of the property owner.

When you are injured on someone else’s property, either public or private, it is important to secure the services of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney. The skilled Corpus Christi premises liability lawyers at Sico Hoelscher Harris LLP have helped numerous clients across the United States with personal injury claims and are ready to put this experience to work for your case.

Call Sico Hoelscher Harris LLP at (877) 653-3334, and request a free consultation from one of the nation’s premier personal injury firms.

Three Types of Premises Liability

While each state’s personal injury laws are different, there are three basic types of visitors to a property that are each legally afforded a certain level of care. No matter what category your claim is, if you have been injured, you could be eligible for compensation depending on your state’s statutes.

The three types of visitors to a premises are:

  • Business Patrons (or “invitees”): These are individuals who are specifically invited to a premise for business purposes, including customers to stores or guests at a restaurant. These guests must be given the highest level of care by property owners. Expected guests of a residential property are usually included in this category, as well.
  • Licensees: These are people who are not necessarily invited to a premise, but permission for them to enter is implied. This can include your neighbor dropping by unexpectedly after you telling them that they are always welcome. Considerable care for these visitors is still required.
  • Trespassers: These are visitors to a property who do not have permission to be there. While they are not legally afforded nearly as much care by property owners, they could still be eligible for compensation. Be sure to review your legal options with a proven attorney if your case falls into this category.

A lawyer will be able to analyze the personal injury codes and laws of your particular state to determine the maximum possible compensation for your case. The skilled advocates at Sico Hoelscher Harris LLP have earned numerous legal practice accolades.

Secure the aggressive legal representation services of Sico Hoelscher Harris LLP by contacting our Corpus Christi premises liability lawyers online today.

Our Reviews

  • “After a lapse of nearly four years, I discovered that my former business partners had intentionally mislead me and convinced me to sell out of a business for a few hundred thousand dollars, which they sold for over $16 million four months later. After a pr”

    John Jalufka

  • “After my accident, my life was turned upside down. I had to place a tremendous amount of trust in SHHB during a vulnerable time in my life - and I am so glad I did. You delivered justice against great odds. You also brought about much-needed closure for me”

    Rose Munoz

  • “I don't know how you do the job you do, but I'm so thankful for people like you.”

    Laura Rund

  • “SIco Hoelscher Harris should be commended for recognizing the opportunity for a winning case even though (another attorney) turned it down and you had a short time frame to work within. Furthermore, I appreciated your professional manner and you”

    Wm. E. (Bill) Martin

  • “First of all, we don't know how to thank SHHB. You guys did a terrific job for us. Sometimes we think that our boys sent you guys to us for help. We appreciate everything you did for us and you guys will be a part of our lives forever.”

    The Chuyito Family