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Nuestros Abogados

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Nuestros Abogados

Lo que nos diferencia del resto

En Sico Hoelscher Harris LLP, nuestros abogados de litigios nacionales sobresalen dentro y fuera de los tribunales. Trabajamos con diligencia para conseguir los mejores resultados porque nos preocupamos por las necesidades de los clientes.

Luchamos para ganar casos

No nos intimida ir a juicio siempre que sea necesario. Nuestra red de recursos está respaldada por nuestros educados y dedicados abogados, quienes se informan a fondo de los hechos, detalles y retos de cada caso. Estamos orgullosos de nuestra capacidad para trabajar arduamente durante la fase de descubrimiento de manera eficaz.

Para más información sobre nuestros cualificados abogados, lea sus biografías a continuación:

¿Tiene un caso? No dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestros abogados en el (877) 653-3334. Estamos disponibles 24/7 y ofrecemos consultas iniciales gratis.

Former Client Testimonials

  • “After a lapse of nearly four years, I discovered that my former business partners had intentionally mislead me and convinced me to sell out of a business for a few hundred thousand dollars, which they sold for over $16 million four months later. After a pr”

    John Jalufka

  • “First of all, we don't know how to thank SHHB. You guys did a terrific job for us. Sometimes we think that our boys sent you guys to us for help. We appreciate everything you did for us and you guys will be a part of our lives forever.”

    The Chuyito Family

  • “After my accident, my life was turned upside down. I had to place a tremendous amount of trust in SHHB during a vulnerable time in my life - and I am so glad I did. You delivered justice against great odds. You also brought about much-needed closure for me”

    Rose Munoz

  • “I don't know how you do the job you do, but I'm so thankful for people like you.”

    Laura Rund

  • “SIco Hoelscher Harris should be commended for recognizing the opportunity for a winning case even though (another attorney) turned it down and you had a short time frame to work within. Furthermore, I appreciated your professional manner and you”

    Wm. E. (Bill) Martin